Rock Crystal
A rap star and her shiny pink microphone.
Cleveland pride being what it is, fans of a local jewelry designer might like to think Nicki Minaj’s success has something to do with her custom-designed pink microphone.Read more

Live From Bad Racket: The Womack Family Band
The Womack Family Band move a Sisyphus Stone.
“Sometimes you paint a song, and sometimes you want to start off with every color there is, you just want to put everything on the canvas and then take it away, because that’s one thing you can do with music,” says Tony Schaffer of The Womack Family Band.

Food & Drink
Culinary Book Club: The Paris Wife
Chef Stefanie Paganini takes her Culinary Book Club on a trip to Paris with Hemingway as a guide.
The Paris Wife by Paula McLain is a death caught in slow motion. It’s like watching slow-motion video of a cheetah running down a gazelle to capture the brutal details – in many ways, you want to stop it, but know you are already too late; you want to turn away but can’t.

Top Brass
An influential twentysomething gets down to brass tacks with a new generation of players.
The days of being a child prodigy are past for Dominick Farinacci, a horn player with nine albums under his 28-year-old belt. Now, the Solon native wants to find – and nurture – other child prodigies who play jazz..

Health & Education
Conscious Compass: Mountain Blooms
Ryan Lally finds hope blooming in the mountains of Nepal.
Come morning, MacLennan, his staff and his team of volunteers would again continue carrying out the Mountain Fund’s mission: to ease suffering and stimulate social change in one of the poorest countries in the world.