Culinary Book Club: The Paris Wife
Cleveland author Paula McLain’s best-selling trip
Chef Stefanie Paganini takes her Culinary Book Club on a trip to Paris with Hemingway as a guide.
The Paris Wife by Paula McLain is a death caught in slow motion. It’s like watching slow-motion video of a cheetah running down a gazelle to capture the brutal details – in many ways, you want to stop it, but know you are already too late; you want to turn away but can’t.

The Brew Master: Belgian Beer 101
Understanding Trappist, abbey and Belgian-style beers
Beer expert Eric Anderson of Buckeye Brewing Company delivers a primer on Belgian beers.
In honor of the soon coming celebration of Belgian Independence day on July 21, let us lay the ground work for a lofty and extensive topic: Belgian beers. Today’s market place is inundated with beautiful bottles of beer. To make things more complicated, many imported beers are in their native language, and I don’t know anyone that speaks Flemish.

Toasting to a Fresh Future
The 9th Annual Veggie U Food & Wine Celebration
A preview of this year’s Veggie U Food & Wine Celebration.
Although farm-to-table dining is de rigueur among the fashionably gastronomic set, fostering an appreciation for the source of food is still a source of consternation in communities where exposure to the life cycles of agriculture is a rarity.